Application Form
Please complete ALL sections of this form CLEARLY and ACCURATELY. If information is missing, we will not be able to process your application.
1. Course Information
Course name:
Month and Year of Entry:
2. Personal Information
Full Name (as per your official documents):
Date of Birth:
Passport Number:
Passport Issued Country:
Passport Expiry Date:
(Passport validity must be at least 6 months and it's mandantory)
Correspondence Address:
Permanent Address:
3. Contact Information
4. Academic Information
Please list all completed and pending qualifications in date order (most recent first). Please ensure that copies of your certificates and transcripts are provided with your application; including official translations if qualifications are not in English.
5. Entrance Exam Results
6. Language Proficiency
Is English your first language?
If no, please specify your proficiency in English:
Have you taken any English proficiency tests? (e.g., TOEFL, IELTS)
(If Yes, please provide details)
7. Personal Statement/ Motivation
Why do you want to study medicine?
8. Employment
Please provide details of Current and Previous work experience (if applicable).
9. Criminal Offense
Have you ever been convicted of a criminal offense?
(If no, please upload the Police Clearance Certificate in the Required Documents section# 12)
10. Financial Information
How do you plan to finance your studies abroad?
11. Additional Information
How did you hear about this program?
Do you have any disabilities or special needs that we should be aware of?
12. Required Documents
Please attach the following with your application: